Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Breasts are not conducive to push-ups.

*<i>This is like the 9th re-try of this post. I kept screwing up the formatting. Sorry bout that.</i>

Because I cannot fetch a proper relationship I've been attending this weight lifting class. Actually I've been attending this weight-lifting class to tone and firm my body but I'm doing that for the aforementioned reason so there you go.

Please see my last post on whether or not I need/want a relationship. It's not that I really want one, I just feel that I need one. Mostly because I wake up in the mornings and find my uterus doing a jig at the end of my bed sticking its tongue out at me with its thumbs in its ears and proving yet again that I still suck at life. SCORE! Before you ask, yes I do find it odd that my uterus has ears. I don't know either.

And I feel that if I am indeed going to be reproductively successful I'd like to have a partner to do that with because we, as humans, have the reproductive strategy that benefits from the pairing of two individuals in order to raise a tiny human. And someone else is going to have to change the tiny human when it poops because I am not doing that. I am currently accepting applications for 'Tiny Human Collector of Poo.'

So I've decided once again that I'm single because I'm fat and not because I'm fucked up as a football bat. I do so enjoy making these decisions.

Except damn ya'll, I'm getting kind of HAWT. I hate to brag but damn. The waist keeps getting smaller and while as yet the bust is shrinking it looks bigger because my waist is smaller and my ass is just getting higher and tighter. God I look like Gena Lollobrigida (I have no clue how to spell this). Doesn't that suck? MWA HA HAA, Right, yes it does actually because I look like that in this, the 21st century. You menfolk think I'm fat.

Frack the lot of you.

Anyways. SO I'm doing this weight lifting class. And for our chest we do these flys with free weights and then about 9 million push-ups. And in the midst of doing these 9-million push-ups I glance into to the mirror and guess who I see in said mirror on the stair master staring into said room?

Oh that would be Sex-on-Skates.

Maybe you do not have awesome breasts. I do. Maybe you can do multiple push-ups. I cannot. I can do a bajillion flys and and a bajillion bench presses but apparently if I was dying and had to support my upper body weight with my T-Rex arms I'd die in about a minute and a half. Mebbe just a minute. They're awesome, my breasts, but it sucks trying to move them. I mean I can do it. I amm hardcore. I just cannot do it often right now. Because I'm a girl. And I have T-Rex arms. And breasts.

So anyways that is my opinion on why breasts are not conducive to push-ups and I don't think that I should have to do them. Not that I do a lot of them to begin with but still.

I'll leave you with this lasting thought: You know those uber-hard-core muscle bound women on those fitness shows that can do one-handed push-ups and all the other assorted sundry push-up type things? Do they have attractive breasts? Do they even have breasts at all?

Ooh! I just thought of something else! Chickens! Chickens have significant breasts, because they're genetically modified but still, and they cannot do push-ups either!

There you go. Conclusive proof that if you have breasts, you cannot do push-ups.


  1. OMG this is starting to become inane. Just read the HTML and interpret as italcized print. Blogger fuckers and their incapability with franking Safari on iPad. Grumble grumble.

  2. Anna, as lovely as you are, I cannot imagine you having to lose weight to attract men. Don't become some sort of skeletor being, you need tissue to support those lovely sweater bunnies.
    Maybe it's not T Rex arms you have, maybe it's just those massive fun bags throwing off the visual scale.

  3. You are not fat, you're gorgeous. And push-ups are for suckers. Suckers with no titties!

  4. @ George: No worries about becoming skeletor. I am simply put 'One of those thick white girls' and will always be. You know the ones with a healthy dose of low self esteem?

    @ Sass: You have to think that. It's in our BFF contract. :)

  5. If I had huge breasts, I'd have no need for an airbag in my car...or a girlfriend.

  6. aaaaaaahhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha. i think i just peed a little. i love you.

  7. @ Beer: It is pretty awesome. I must admit.

    @ Jess: I love you too. I always enjoy making you laugh. :)

  8. love it...i have small breasts and can do push ups...so i guess that helps prove your point!
