Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Burgeoning Romance and/or Fuck You Dominos

According to my horoscope today, I am good at two things as a pisces: Being Psychic and Romance.


I'm supposed to be on my toes for a surprise meeting in which I use my unbeknownst mental faculties to manipulate someone into coitus. With me. I'm supposed to be involved in this process.

Neither of which have happened. I don't think my ESPN is working today. And the only dirty thoughts I've had all day occured first thing this morning when I had an email from Fucking Dominos about $5.99 pizzas. (Let me tell you. I could ravage some pizza.) For serious? Are they aware that I'm on the third successful day of my diet? That this, the third day, is truly the determining factor of whether or not I can stick to my diet; That if I can make it through today on a limited number of calories that I can make it work for a little longer; That the mere mention of carbohydrates and cheese to my starved, unsaitiated brain causes hunger tremors?

Maybe the Domino's pizza is Pisces.

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