Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tacky and Unrefined, yet Not Very Delightful

If you just saw a busload of busload of blind people get off the bus, get the fuck out of the way. They're blind. They cannot see you when you stand in their path. That's why they have on dark glasses and sticks. Believe it or not they're not all Neo from the Matrix imitators.

You don't get the right to turn your nose up because he bumped into you. Take your tacky Ed Hardy luggage (Jesus Christ, that man makes lugagge?) and move out of the way.


  1. i hate ed hardy. his name is also on a bottle of sangria. people actually bought it. i about lost my shit. yes i am typing how i talk. ha.

  2. Ha! Sangria really? Geez oh pete.

  3. PS - I <3 talking to you so I'm glad you write how you talk! :D
