Monday, February 7, 2011

Welcome Monday

I understand that you must come every week, that it's just a part of life. Even if I protest, even if I whine and moan and groan, Monday, you still come.

It's not that I have to go work, although I will say Monday's are much easier sitting on a beach, it's that you're Monday.

Saying the word strikes fear into the hearts of small children everywhere, knowing they'll have to go back to school in the morning. It strikes fear into the hearts of more than one grown up I know for the same reasons usually. Unless you're of the those freaks who actually enjoys going to work then there is no hope for you at all. None.

But must you come with a busload of screaming children?

Have you no mercy?


  1. Mondays suck. Period. End. Of. Story.

  2. There is no mercy from the universe. The universe is disinclined to give a hot goddamn about your misery. I have learned this, you see, from having this godawful fucking cold all weekend. On. A. Weekend. WEEKEND. The days I fucking LIVE for.

  3. Le-sigh. Mondays, not our friend.
