Monday, February 28, 2011

I have to start remembering to piss before I leave work.

I'm not sure how the highways are around your parts but around these parts, they're bumpy. And full of pits, pocks, and pot-holes. They're lumpy, hilly and bouncy. Especially at an advanced speed in a giant, rattling tin can.

When you have to pee and you've forgotten to go before you left work and pounded a Coke on your way out the door, they're damn formidable.

Don't even think about going at the bus-station. That's simply asking for crabs or some other creepy venereal critter. Labia lobsters or something. (A quck aside: Are you aware that you can search the Merriam-Webster online dictionary by voice? I do not recommend however that you voice search the Merriam-Webster online dictionary for the word 'venereal' to confirm your spelling of it while on the afternoon commute home. Unless you're in the comfort of your own vehicle by yourself.)

So you just sit on the bus and try to read which makes you sea-sick and then you want to yak so you think about having to piss instead which only brings you back to the original problem.

I really must remember to piss before I leave work.


  1. It's made worse when it's cold outside isn't it?

  2. I have had that problem a few times in my life. Once I even pissed myself. I will have to write about that in post now. lol

  3. @ George: God yes. But it was 79 degrees that day.

    @ Trash: Oh boy! I can't wait to read about that one!
