Thursday, May 27, 2010

But I am le-sick.

I loathe, detest, vehemently protest, being sick. It drives me bonkers.

I think it's because I'm constantly on the go. And when you're sick you have to just sit around and not do anything. It's kind of like when it snows and you can't go anywhere.

I have a sore throat. It's amazing how much you don't think about swallowing until it causes you great agonizing pain to do so. Then you do it every 3 minutes. Mostly to see if it still hurts, or if it hurts different from the last time it hurt. I guess that really proves I'm just stubborn or stupid.

The only thing that I hate worse than a sore throat is an ear ache. If you ever want to see me reduced to a child then let me get a earache. Seriously. I sit in the floor and sob. It is at that moment when I require my mother. She always makes me feel better.
Because that is what mom's are engineered to do.

In fact I'm sad that she's at the beach. At the beach! And I'm sick! Plus she took my dog. Who is going to make me feel better? And bring me ice cream.

Pretend I'm doing an affected sigh here.

Oh well. I just got all sad about being alone again. Damn! Must everything remind me of how miserable and pathetic I am!

Haha! I almost typed that without laughing. Look at that, even while my body is sick, my attitude still has a healthy amount of self aggrandizement.


  1. Do you know how much drool you accumulate when you cannot swallow???

  2. I guess my previous comment was really uncalled for. That's really gross.

  3. I hate being sick or injured the same way. It makes me feel old and feeble. WHICH I AM MOST CERTAINLY NOT!!!
