Saturday, May 22, 2010

Screw Spontaneity. and/or Screw the act of Being Spontaneous.

(I hope I spelled spontaneity right. I'm too lazy to check.)

You know what? Being spontaneous is not fun. It's stressful. I like a regimented schedule and planning things. I like for planned things to go according to plan and if they don't go according to plan I like for them to at least follow a logical progression.

Because when they don't, stupid shit happens. You've met me. I don't do well when I have excess free time. I need the mental exercise. I can't turn this brain thing off. It's annoying really. This is the number one reason why I don't like surprises. Well that and I'm very skittish and obviously have control issues.

I need the regiment and the scheduling and the planning because my brain is like when you take the 96 box of crayons and dump them out on the floor. There's a whole lot of potential there, but it's a little overwhelming when they're all in a pile like that. Organizing them by color helps and makes it easier to find what you're looking for.

So don't go telling me to be spontaneous, It pisses me off. I don't do it well and thus will refuse to do it. So don't go getting all pissed off when I buck back and tell you to screw yourself.

You should have made an appointment.


  1. Could not have said it better myself. ;)

  2. Spontenaity, I feel, leads to out-of-control eating, buying ugly and/or useless items, or sex in Hardee's bathrooms. None of these will help you lead a richer life.

  3. Totally.

    Thought experiment: What if during the sex in the Hardee's bathroom you got knocked up with Siamese triplets? And in your search for painless childbirth you meandered to a Nepali shaman who showed you the exact time and place of your death and then you lived out the rest of your life to it's fullest?

    Of course if this was me we were talking about I would just say, "Screw that." and take a nose dive off the nearest cliff.
