Monday, July 19, 2010

A conversation overheard between concerned parties.

The Brains of the Operation: Dude. What is going on? You've been screwing with this operation for days now. You think you could get over yourself and get the fuck over it?

Whom is lovingly referred to as the 'Crystal Cave': First of all, I'm not a dude. I'm female. Secondly, I'm lonely. And when I'm lonely I don't operate well. You're running this show, why don't you fucking fix it?

BotO: Whatever brah. I'm trying. But you keep mixing up all the signals that I'm sending you or sending me the wrong ones or whatever, you know what just screw it. Get it together and by all means get over yourself.

'Crystal': That's easy for you to say. There's two of you crammed in that one vessel you call a functioning unit. You literally can get into arguments with yourself, thus you're never lonely. Who am I going to argue with? The Wonder Twins?

The Wonder Twins: For what it is worth, oh Cavern of Supposed Shinyness, we hate you.

'Crystal': Yeesh. I know.

The Wonder Twins: Our job is essentially useless. We work hard for you and you just throw it out all. You essentially vomit our contributions out into the world as detritus. And you know Bob has that issue with the recurring cyst that they refuse to do anything about. Cut us some slack and quit your fucking whining and do something.

BotO: Right on, dudes.

Cleanup Crew: Can I just interject here? I'm really the only here in this body doing any work. I keep getting pummeled with toxic and noxious substances and have to work twice as hard as the rest of you to clean it all up and just as I get it clean. Guess what? She goes out an does it all over again.

BotO: Dude. Bro. Woah. Them's fighting words. Just chillax and get back to work. We're all banding together for a common purpose here. Everyone appreciates you. Especially Crystal over there, because she's never going to get any company unless you're in overtime working for the Man, or in this case, the Woman. She's needy and socially awkward, Crystal is. She only wants to make an appearance once she's tanked off a couple of bombs and willing to dance on the bar. And let's face it. Our goal is one and the same. We may have different opinions as to how it's done but Crystal really is running this show. Everyone thinks I am. I mean, I do give instructions and say things like 'Don't talk to him. He's an asshole. His ears are pierced.' but does it work? No. There is no logic when it comes to hormones. And to be honest you're responsible for some of that too. But enough with the small talk, I'm splitting in half and I'm not sure if it's you or the 'Crystal Cave' down there causing it but everyone needs to calm the fuck down and do their damn job. And I don't even want to hear from you two, Wonder Twins. We'll let you resume your duties once our objective is complete. Just keep her skin nice is all I ask. We'll never find her anybody if her skin looks like the surface of a volcanic planet. Keep those hormones coming. And for god sakes! Will the god-blessed Tylenol kick in? I'm dying in here!

'Crystal': Serves you right. At least you aren't all alone in your misery and pain. We need a nice boy. A nice boy would help us all out. Well except for the Cleaning Crew.

Cleaning Crew: Work on finding one that doesn't drink. I need a break.


  1. LOL, "Wonder Twins." But someone always has to be the bucket! No wonder they're so angry.

  2. (: Believe me. They're pissed. Almost as much as my mother is.
