There was a two way tie between the Hunter Elf and Kaopectate, with one vote cast at the last minute via phone (Thanks Jess!).
Unfortunately it seems that Bigfoot was the dark horse of the race and came up lame and had to be put down and sent to the glue factory. Which, is okay because I have most certainly, certainly, avoided the rape shack behind those hideous curtains. (Check out those curtains in his picture. Notice anything odd and/or curious?)
So it was a choice between #2 and #3. And it's my blog and my life, so I made the executive decision and chose #3, Kaopectate, to wink at. I did so, because of several reasons which I will enumerate here:
Firstly, Hunter Elf sent me a very nice, poorly spelled and grammatically bad (impression, not judgement or fact ) email. I just wouldn't have felt right winking back at him after reading his email, as I have no interest in him romantically and didn't want to send him mixed signals and/or the wrong impression.
Secondly, I must admit that I did in fact ponder not winking at either one of them and mis-leading you, blog reader, into thinking that I had. I chose not to do this, because I made a contract with you. And I am a woman of my word. It also didn't hurt that I had three of my closest friends beside me on the couch who could call my bluff, so to speak. But let's concentrate on the fact that I am trustworthy and not a snake in the grass.
On a lighter note, I did actually sit down and peruse and write a few emails tonight. Personally. Last time I forced my committee to do it. They perused and winked at their leisure. All of those seem to be a wash but hopefully something will turn out.
Coming up next time in Trial by Fire, Online Dating Edition 2: Jim Bob, Punkin' Chuckin' Puck, and Warhol Sm-arhol.
Keep reading! And Goodnight!
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